Thursday, June 20, 2019

Induction Training

What is an Induction Training?

When an employee join to the organization the first impression of the company creates through the induction program which is organized through human resource department, because that is the first main stage where an employee gets to learn and get to know about people live around. With relevant to all the training types, an organization should focus on the induction training program and should conduct it without any failure.

What is Induction Training?

According to the Business Jargons, “The Induction Training is also called as an orientation program, wherein the new employees are introduced to the rules and regulation of an organization with the objective of making them accustomed to the working environment, where they will be working”.

Generally at an Induction program they provides below information,

  • ·         Detail information about the job role or the daily route of work to perform.
  • ·         About company’s history, foundation and the founder, vision, mission, product and services.
  • ·         About company’s values, ethics, rule and regulations.
  • ·         About the common objective that everyone is focus on achieving at the end of the day.
  • ·         More about the company policies, employee benefits and etc.

According to Business Jargons, “Before designing the induction training program the firm needs to decide on the following parameters”,

1.      Induction program will be Formal or Informal

In the Informal preparation, the new joiners are put legitimately on their employments and are required to modify themselves to the workplace.

2.      Induction program will be individual or Collective

This refer on doing the program for a one person or more and it will depend on the situation.

3.      Induction program will be serial or Disjunctive

An induction program is said to be a Serial program when an accomplished worker drafts the new contract, where he goes about as a coach to him. Though, training is said to be disjunctive when no forerunner is there to enlist the new joiner.

4.      Induction program follows Investiture or Divestiture strategy

  • ·         In the Investiture orientation,

The formal agree is given to the qualities that an individual brings to the association, particularly the high level recruitment's.

  • ·         In the divestiture orientation

The minor alterations are made in the attributes of another joiner, concerning what is worthy in the company. Normally, the individual is chosen based on his potential for execution. (Jargons, 2019)


Jargons, B., 2019. Business Jargons. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 14th June 2019].


  1. In human resource development, induction training is a form of introduction for new employees in order to enable them to do their work in a new profession or job role within an organisation. Training can be systematic or unsystematic training. Induction training is systematic training.

  2. In small organisations, the responsibility for carrying out the induction training usually rests with one person. In larger organisations, the responsibility is shared between managers, supervisors and human resources.

  3. The induction itself is usually conducted within the workplace by competent trainers and speakers in a presentation format.[7] Induction training can also be in a written format, which can be sent to a new employee before they start, or handed to them when they start or delivered as a computer-based format.

  4. The Induction Training is likewise called as a direction program, wherein the new representatives are acquainted with the guidelines and guideline of an association with the target

  5. Training can be systematic or unsystematic training. Induction training is systematic training. The systematic model supplements natural learning with a systematic intervention that relates to the organisations objectives. The features of induction training include.

  6. The main purpose of induction training is to integrate new employees into the company and make them understand the systems and procedures followed by the organization. Induction training helps new employees settle down quickly in the new work environment, and gives them a sense of belonging

    1. My personal point of view, intention of an induction programme is not happen through lecture type induction programme. It is better after a brief introduction of the overview of the company they should move with existing staff and arrange an opportunity work with them. then they can adopt the company environment and be part of the organizatyion.

  7. Purpose of this an effective induction ensures that new staff can quickly learn the University's policies, processes and practices.🌟

    "The term 'induction' is generally used to describe the whole process whereby employees adjust or acclimatise to their jobs and working environment." ☺👔📂

    1. Add some thing :
      whiten a very short period of time. (Properly 2 days)

  8. Once a new employee is recruited, he or she can face many issues due to a completely new environment. Induction will help such an employee to adjust according to the environment.

    1. True. But in practical situation what is the outcome of an induction programme. The HRM should pay their attention on this. why I mentioned that, Today how does induction programme planning. I my point of view it is very boring and lazy excises for new recruits. Lecturing type structure. Managers give the speeches regarding their roles and Others listening.
      In such case will help the induction to new employees to adjust the environment.....?

  9. After hiring new employees for an organization, the workplace is unfamiliar to them. Employees face some critical situations. Induction training can help deal with those situations.
