Thursday, June 20, 2019

Training Need Analysis

What is Training Need Analysis?

Training Needs Analysis (TNA) is the procedure where the organization recognizes Training and advancement needs of its representatives so they can carry out their responsibility adequately. It includes a total examination of Training needs required at different dimensions of the association. (Times, 2019)

How would you right now choose what kind of inner Training you need your group to visit? It very well may be a test to ensure you are picking the right Training for each colleague, and guaranteeing your group get the most profit by the preparation you have chosen. (Industry, 2019)

The present workplace expects representatives to be gifted in performing complex assignments in a proficient, financially savvy, and safe way. Training (a presentation improvement device) is required when workers are not performing up to a specific standard or at a normal dimension of execution. The contrast between real the real dimension of occupation execution and the normal dimension of employment execution demonstrates a requirement for Training. The distinguishing proof of Training needs is the initial phase in a uniform technique for instructional structure.

Types of Needs Analysis.

Following Areas have been identified as Major Areas for the Training Analysis.

  • ·         Organizational Analysis
  • ·         Person Analysis
  • ·         Work Analysis/Task Analysis
  • ·         Performance Analysis
  • ·         Content Analysis
  • ·         Training Suitability Analysis
  • ·         Cost-Benefit Analysis. (Guide, 2019)


Guide, H., 2019. HR Guide. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 14th June 2019].

Industry, e. L., 2019. e Learning Industry. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 14th June 2019].

Times, T. E., 2019. The Economic Times. [Online]
Available at: https://economicti
[Accessed 14th June 2019].


  1. Training Need Analysis(TNA) is the process of identifying the gap between employee training and needs of training. Training needs analysis is the first stage in the training process and involves a series of steps that reveal whether training will help to solve problem which has been identified.

  2. Training can be described as “the acquisition of skills, concepts or attitudes that result in improved performance within the job environment”. Training needs analysis looks at each side of operational area of job so that the concepts and attitudes of the human elements of a system can be effectively identified and appropriate training can be specified

  3. Training needs analysis is most often used as part of the system development process. Due to the close tie between the design of the system and the training required, in most cases it runs alongside the development to capture the training requirements.

  4. The distinguishing proof of Training needs is the initial phase in a uniform technique for instructional structure.

  5. Training needs analysis is a process that a business goes through in order to determine all the training that needs to be completed in a certain period to allow their team to complete their job as effectively as possible, as well as progress and grow.

  6. Different training methods will have varying degrees of effectiveness.web based training may be the least costly,but this may not be the best way for employees to develop particular skills. employers need to strike a balance between the cost of particular training method and its ability to achieve the desired results.

  7. Yes,,,,,, 😀 it provides insights and concrete data to identify the training needs and gaps within an organization, to improve employees' performance. 🌟

    Through this, you can align training with the business needs of your company. ☺

  8. In my opinion, a successful training needs analysis will identify those who need training and what kind of training is needed. It is counter-productive to offer training to individuals who do not need it or to offer the wrong kind of training. A Training Needs Analysis helps to put the training resources to good use.

  9. Training Need Analyse allows to identify the gaps and problems in employee's knowledge and to select the appropriate method to be used in order to conduct an effective and efficient training programme.
